Gemini Soul Wellness

Mind ~ Body ~ Energy ~ Soul

At Gemini Soul Wellness, we focus on supporting you in your journey of mind, body, energy, and soul expansion to enhance your holistic well-being.

Picture this: a comforting space where empowering practices and immersive experiences are not just buzzwords, but your ticket to a holistic glow-up. A space where all are included, you are encouraged to explore your connection to self, delve into your dreams and desires along with the mystical and magickal, to release, heal, and expand!

Each of our one-on-one healing sessions is tailored to support and guide you as you dive deep into the magical waters of self-discovery, helping you forge a powerful connection between all aspects of your being. Prioritize your whole self in ways that comfort you, light your path, surround you in care and compassion, and call in alignment and flow to your life.

Looking for more of a community feel? We offer a variety of yoga and movement classes along with events such as Gettin’ Witch-Crafty, Women’s Circles, and Guided Meditations, to call in that “village” vibe. Each of our group events and classes provides a sacred space for you to show up exactly as you are without judgment, and invites you to receive the human connection nurturing your mind, body, energy, and soul desire.

Whether you're looking to shake up your mindset, energize your body, awaken your spirit, or add some sparkle to your soul, we've got your back!

So, if you're ready to harmonize and dance to the beat of your soul, let's dive deep, rise high, and ignite some magic in that beautiful journey of yours!


Shauna Van Olst

As a beautiful combination of Reiki Master, Psychic, Intuitive, Yoga Instructor, and Practicing Witch, my passion lies in assisting you in developing and expanding your self-awareness and connection to move you onward in your journey as your most embodied self!

I have witnessed the power of practices such as elemental energy, Reiki, yoga, shadow work, somatic healing, meditation, and self-focus in my own life, supporting me in shifting from someone who felt completely lost with no idea of who I truly was, to now feeling the most at home in my own self that I have ever felt, manifesting my dreams and continuing to heal and grow.

Using my knowledge, personal experience, and divine guidance, along with your desires for yourself, we will discover, heal, and release so you can shift your mindset to one of confidence, self-love, and empowerment. My transformative approach will guide you to immerse yourself in a nourishing way of living that aligns with your true essence. Say goodbye to those barriers holding you back and embrace a path toward whole self wellness and discovery!

Support Your Self-Connection

  • Find Healing

    Healing through energy is powerful! We offer various healing modalities, from Psychic and Oracle reads to bring you clarity and guidance, to releasing stagnant energy through Reiki and Chakra balancing. All of our healing and guidance sessions are offered In Person or Remotely.

  • Find Movement

    Yoga and movement are not just for exercise! Connecting with your physical self allows you to tune into the messages your body holds for you to nurture yourself on a deeper level. Whether you want to improve your strength, flexibility, and balance, slow right down to relax and release, or hone your body awareness through somatic flow, we’ve got something for you!

  • Find Community

    Discovering a community of like-minded people is an important part of our human experience. Our group events offer a sacred space to show up as you are and feel welcome and valued. Get “crafty”, explore your self-connection, expand your knowledge, and share in positive energy together!



Ready to start exploring your path ahead as your most empowered self?! I would love to support you in your self-journey, and create a practice for you to rise your vibrations!